Suite 416, 4th floor, Ikeja Plaza
Adjacent General Hospital,
Ikeja Lagos
+234 7066978100
Invoice Number | INV-0079 |
Invoice Date | September 5, 2023 |
Total Due | N255,789.83 |
Hrs/Qty | Service | Rate/Price | Sub Total |
1 | Local Ticket (Airpeace) Abuja to Lagos 7th Aug |
N101,000.00 | N101,000.00 |
1 | Local Ticket (Air peace) Lagos to Abuja 10th Aug |
N90,200.00 | N90,200.00 |
1 | Local Ticket (Value Jet) Lagos to Abuja 22nd Aug |
N86,400.00 | N86,400.00 |
1 | Local Ticket (Value jet) Abuja to Lagos 24th Aug |
N93,190.00 | N93,190.00 |
1 | International ticket (Air Maroc) Lagos to London 18th Sep, 2023 |
N705,806.00 | N705,806.00 |
1 | Payment fee One Month Payment Fee |
N4,651.00 | N4,651.00 |
Sub Total | N1,081,247.00 |
Tax | N348.83 |
Paid | -N825,806.00 |
Total Due | N255,789.83 |
Sterling Travels and Tours
Account Number - 1012659895
Bank - Zenith Bank